Missy supported me in transforming my internal and external world to step into the woman I desire to be.
— Julia Mason, Business Owner
I didn’t realize how much my style was having an impact on my businesses.
— Sam Hardesty, Life Coach & Entrepreneur
If you are on the fence about working with Missy, just do it. Your clothes are something you wear every single day.
— Emily, Founder Holistic Women's CLE

What People Are Saying

Had the greatest time refreshing and elevating my style during our convenient zoom consultation!

My biggest take-home point was being reminded it’s not just what you wear but how you feel when you wear it!

Can’t wait for my follow-up! I learned so much.”

— Shannon S.

Before working Melissa, I used to waste so much time trying to decide what to wear. I had thought that getting dressed in the morning in anything beyond leggings and a t-shirt was too time-consuming.

As a new mom, I had a closet full of clothes that didn't fit postpartum but that I was holding on to just in case they fit once again. During the Soul to Style program, Melissa helped me "let go" of the things in my closet that no longer served me. Together we curated my dream closet, embraced my new size, and established a self-concept that makes me feel amazing every single day! I now get dressed with ease in clothes that fit, make me feel good, and are well-styled.

She is like a fairy godmother, who transforms your mindset from "the best that I can" to "the best that I am." The Soul to Style program is worth its value 10 times over!.”

— Britney

This experience has helped me give myself permission to show up more fully and confidently as myself. It perfectly blends getting to know yourself, loving yourself exactly as you are in this moment, and getting to know the woman you want to be in the future with fun, fashion, and style tailored specifically to you and these versions of yourself. It's totally worth the time and money to know myself better and understand how I translate that self-awareness and love into my daily style choices.

— Sarah